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Drawing and painting

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KinderCareCenter - drawing and painting

What is drawing and painting

Game, made spontaneously and with joy. It is an activity when children can dream and develop their imagination and creativity. Drawing and painting are among our first means of expression since early childhood. Children do not need a pile of words to express their feelings or perception of the world, it’s just about to be able to hold a pencil in hand and their paintings tell you what they would never express in words. Children simply love drawing and painting..


Why = reason to decide

For the development of your child:

  • give him the opportunity and ability to draw
  • indulge in his unusual sense of self-confidence
  • contribute to his communication skills development



By means of fine art games, we pass to children the basic knowledge of drawing and painting. Fine art contributes to the creation of positive relationship to the natural and artistic beauty, and so to the development of sensory perception, attention and imagination. So simple but so effective is the contribution of drawing and painting to the communication skills development of your child. Activities during the meetings are aimed to develop the artistic feeling of the child through the widespread adoption of art forms:

  • drawing as a fundamental means of expression
  • painting, where children learn to develop technical skills, to understand the role of color in painting as well as in the wider context


Conditions: Drawing & painting courses we will start in April 2011. We will notify you by phone or mail a specific date for the start of the course. We will meet 1per week. The course has 8 sessions.


Schedules »more         Price list »more (is displayed only after »login)  


Open courses in these age groups of children:100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • from age of 1,5 to 2 years(there is a necessary accompaniment of the child - if you're busy we have the  »solution)
  • from age of 2 to 4 years
  • from age of 4 to 6 years


Maximum capacity is 8 children in one course.

application form for KinderCareCenter´service

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