UniCare > KinderGarten LittleAngels - Testimonials

Opinions of some people...

Andrea Vadkerti

journalist, 2 children

Investment in children in the form of kindergarten´s or leisure time´s activities is more than we give them in the future when they grow up. I believe that the best for children is when their parents spend time with them and so they learn that the world around us is not black and white » more 


Mária Kačkovičová

teacher in kindergarten, 2 children

I am working actively with children over 30 years and therefore greatly admire people who bring new solutions to Slovakia to enrich pre-school education and thus contribute to more intensive development of our children...


Sylvia Havlíková

Member of the Board

of the finance company

Modern psychological research confirms the family is funda- mental and unique place where the child learns to love, honor and respect. As one parent doesn´t happen just by giving often only spontaneously & uncons- ciously » more 

parents Kupčoví

business people, 2 children

Thank you for a wonderful experience with your kindergarten & for great access to Miško also. We recommend your kinder- garten, your curriculum and access to other parents :)


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Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground
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