KinderGarten LittleAngels provides these services for one month fee:
- full day educational care for children during the working days from 07,00 a.m. till 07,00 p.m.
- taking meal 3 times a day (midmorning snack, lunch, afternoon snack). Possibility of choice and unlimited supply of fruit. We place emphasis on healthy drinking regime and the appropriate diet for children.
- 2 activities (courses) for the development of potential of your child, which you can choose also on the basis of recommendations of our experts
- adventure tours and events (castles, museums, to nature, celebration of Children's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas party, carnival, theatrical performances, etc.)
- relaxing stay in multisensory rooms – Snoezelen 1/week For more details click »here
- iCare system – the on-line monitoring camera system – you have possibility to see your LittleAngel all the time spent in our Center via (using your access password)
- gift for a child when celebrating Birthday, Names day, Children’s Day, Christmas, Saint Nicholas,...
- gift for parents at the end of the school year - DVD record and photo album with the activities of your child throughout the year stay in LittleAngels
- regular reporting - written and oral feedback to parents about their child's activities during the previous week
Beyond the monthly school fee KinderGarten LittleAngels provides following additional services
(additional services are provided after mutual agreement with parents for an extra fee determined by the type of service)
- educational care for children provided in other than the specified time (24/7)
- during holidays and days off work, even if your child is sick
- transportation of your child to/from LittleAngels from/to given place
- we also offer a medical diagnostics and cooperation in this area – paediatrist, orthopedist, child psychologist, speech therapist, ...