Kindergarten LittleAngels




ü qualified staff

ü unique educational program

ü activities and courses supporting the

        development of your child

ü 24/7 child care

ü medical diagnostics and wellness therapy

ü personal and individual comfort for kids

        and their parents

UniCare center - beyond traditional solutions




ü attractive offer of leisure activities

        for children from 3 months

ü opportunity to stay and healthy exercise

        in snoezelen wellness

ü hour care for your child in our center

        in the center or at your designated place

ü arrangement of children's party

UniCare center - beyond traditional solutions




ü attractive offer of leisure activities for

        family with children, pregnant women &

        moms with their babies

ü cafe - wifi connection to internet

ü weekends with the children's animation

ü courses for adults- communication ,

        management, motivation, PC etc.

ü help with housework (cleaning,

        washing, ironing , shopping ...)

UniCare center - beyond traditional solutions

Coworking center



ü sharing workbench FREE

        (if you order babysitting service)

ü legal services

ü solutions for personal development

ü coaching, mentoring

ü drawing up a business plan

UniCare Center recommends Today is 04.03.2025, nameday Kazimír.