UniCare > News from UniCare center

Registration of children into courses with 20% discount

04.09.2011 08:48

development of children in a playful way

Unicare Centre has prepared for children and parents of new courses
Why choose a classes in the UniCare center:
  • Programs supporting development of the child in a playful way
  • An ideal opportunity for leisure time
  • Visitors to your needs (you can attend classes only for pre-booked lessons)
  • Beautiful and modern premises for both small and large, own children playground
  • qualified instructors
  • Pick up service
  • iCare system – the possibility to observe events over the Internet during the course
  • per second course you get € 10 voucher, ie a 20% discount on the next course in the UniCare center


Courses for children without parents:

» Swimming

» Skating

» Music steps

» Painting & drawing

» Dancing steps

» Photography

» Drama

» Gymnastics

» Workshops

» Kids yoga

» Kids ZUMBA

» Kids film animations

Courses for children accompanied by parents:

» BabySigns® - sign singing and playing

» Baby Signs®  Seminar for parents

» Go Kids®  Developing emotional intelligence



New Classes in UniCare Center


New Classes in UniCare Centre

Indoor Playground
Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground

Indoor Playground

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