UniCare > FamilyCareCenter - testimonials

Opinions of some people...

Janka Wagnerová, Pro Natal

I, as a professional for many years in the care of a woman I appreciate the opportunity offered by UniCare center for women and their partners at the time before / after giving birth. Seminars and training classeson parenting has been on the market a lot un- fortunately not all are ... »more

Daniela Ponechová

gestor of Snoezelen therapy,

sonny Natanael

I appreciate very much the establishment of new snoezelen center and therefore it is precisely this method is very suitable for dealing with hyperactive children, reduction of stress, improve mutual communications ...

New Classes in UniCare Center


New Classes in UniCare Centre

Indoor Playground
Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground
Why our clients prefer UniCare center services


Why our clients prefer UniCare center services

TOP 10 + 1 REASONS WHY to come to UniCareCenter

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