UniCare > UniCare center - contact


Do you have questions or are interested in our services? Contact us:

UniCare, s. r.o.

Poloreckého 3

851 041 Bratislava

IČO: 45 466 394

zap. v OR OS BA I.

v odd. Sro vo vl. 64812/B

Tel.: +421 917 191 388

E-mail: unicare@unicare.sk

Skype: UniCareCenter

Facebook: UniCareCenter

Twitter: @UniCareCenter

YouTube: UniCareCenter

MHD: zastávka Bulíková

linky: 68, 84, 88, 99, N80, N99, 

GPS súradnice:     48°1226814 N

17°1280131 E




New Classes in UniCare Center


New Classes in UniCare Centre

Indoor Playground
Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground Indoor Playground

Indoor Playground

Why our clients prefer UniCare center services


Why our clients prefer UniCare center services

TOP 10 + 1 REASONS WHY to come to UniCareCenter

» more




...there waiting for you a unique and inspiring ...



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